
Worn to be Worn

Clothes are killing our planet. What was once a necessity, clothes are increasingly being viewed as disposable.

The average American throws away 81.5 lbs of textile waste, while also purchasing 54 new pieces of clothing every year.

Clothing is worn to be worn.
To the adventurer, clothing is body armor. They wear it to protect themselves from the beautiful, yet unforgiving outdoors. And every scuff, fray, wear, and tear has a story to tell.

Patched up. Ready for more.

Sew-on adventure patches to preserve damaged clothes, gear, and our planet.

The patches are designed to showcase the story behind each wear and tear and are made to help your gear last longer.

Earn a Free Patch

Clothing and gear aren’t the only things that get worn and torn. If you’re an adventurer, chances are you’ve had an injury or two. It’s the nature of the game.

Share a comeback story and earn an adventure patch!

How It Works:

  • Share your story.

  • Where and when?

  • Let’s see the damage.

  • Choose your design.

  • Patch it up!

On the first weekend of spring, Patagonia will close all physical stores and disable purchasing online, except for repairs and patches—further reducing Patagonia’s environmental footprint.

We all love a good comeback moment. The times when everything seems stacked up against us-- only to be crumbled by our intestinal fortitude. Share your comeback moments worthy of a patch.
Link in bio for details to submit to our website.
#worntobeworn #patchedup #readyformore

Art Director: Kailey Reagan
Copywriter: Brandon Cho

It's okay to fall. The trick is to not stay there.
Get up. Dust it off. Patch it up. And go for more. Learn about our adventure patches in the link in bio.
#worntobeworn #patchedup #readyformore #AdventurePatches

Closed for Spring Cleaning

As the season is changing, we know a lot of clothing will be disposed of. To lighten our environmental footprint, Patagonia will be closed on the first weekend of spring (Mar 22-23).

We hope this initiative will remind you of the harm of textile waste and think twice about throwing that shirt out.


Get Closer Than Ever


Train for REAL Life