Trust in USPS
The ears of technology are all around us— listening, autocorrecting, analyzing, and targeting us. With so many forms of digital communication, there is no more privacy.
With 74% of Americans satisfied or more than satisfied with the USPS, postal correspondence is the most reliable form of communication when it comes to security.
Trust in USPS is a brand refresh campaign reminding people that USPS is your confidant in confidentiality.
The new logo captures a striking image of a more vigilant bald eagle that instills confidence in the people we serve. It represents the strength, mystique, and power of the iconic bird known to be the messenger of the gods.
Before the reveal of the new logo, a mysterious letter from the Postmaster General will be delivered to every household. The letter will advise people of an important message from USPS, which can only be received at a specific date, time, and location.
The Big Reveal
USPS’s print series will emphasize the security you can find only with postal correspondence.
Employees will don new uniforms to match USPS’ clandestine approach to mail delivery.
Art Director: Jorge Guevara
Copywriter: Brandon Cho